
Louisiana's Other Polymer and Biopolymer Programsn are coordinated through APTEC, the Applied Polymer Technology Extension Consortium.  A new APTEC website is being designed; meanwhile, here are links to the most active participants. 

Southeastern University Website


SEAL Student Entrepreneurs as Active Leaders

Southeastern University in Hammond has established an innovative program to teach Louisiana undergraduate students how to become science entrepreneurs.  This effort is funded by the Louisiana Board of Regents.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

MEPoL   Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Louisiana  A program through the National Institutes of Standards and Technology to enhance manufacturing efficiency, MEPoL is   a Manufacturing Extension Partnership operated by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. 

Contact:  Devesh Misra 337-482-6430    

MEPoL contact info by parish  

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Center for Structural and Functional Materials 

Contact:  Devesh Misra 337-482-6430  

Tulane University Home

TIMES Tulane Institute for Macromolecular Engineering and Science.  This is a diverse group similar in scope to the LSU Macromolecular Studies Group.  It is largely funded by NASA.  Contact Dr. Dan DeKee (504)865-5620 



Polymer Sites outside of Louisiana

General Polymer Information

University of Akron

Case Western Reserve University

University of Connecticut

University of Massachusetts

University of Missouri--Rolla

University of Southern Mississippi

Lund, Sweden


LSU Homepage

YAHOO (where we got our lovely maps)

Infoseek (the best search engine around)

Explore BR (Where to find info on Baton Rouge, Lousisana's Capital)


Should your site be here? Sorry we missed it--as you can probably appreciate, web pages are continually evolving things.


Revised: April 13, 2018

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