PAL INSTRUMENTATION  (Detailed Listing) (110922)


Molecular Characterization:


·         THF-GPC-MALS

o   FLO-M Vacuum degasser

o   Agilent 1100 Pump

o   Agilent 1100 autosampler

o   Wyatt Dawn-EOS LS Detector

o   Waters 410 DRI Detector


·         Aqueous-GPC-MALS

o   FLO-M Vacuum degasser

o   Isco Syringe Pumps (500mL)

o   Manual Injector

o   Wyatt Dawn-DSP LS Detector

o   Waters 410 DRI Detector



·         Toluene-GPC-MALS

o   FLO-M Vacuum degasser

o   2 Isco Syringe Pumps (500mL)

o   Manual Injector

o   Wyatt Dawn-EOS LS Detector

o   Hitachi DRI detector      



·         Tosoh EcoSEC Elite HLC-8420GPC with Lens3 Light Scattering Detector

o   Vacuum degasser

o   Pump

o   autosampler

o   Lens3 LS Detector

o    DRI Detector



·         Viscotek TDA-302 Triple detector


·         Mixed GPC (aqueous or Organic)

o   FLO-M Vacuum degasser

o   Agilent 1100 Pump

o   Agilent 1100 autosampler

o   Wyatt Heleos LS detector with DLS Capability and Temp. Control (0 to 60C)

o      Agilent 1200 DRI detector





Thermal Analysis



TA Discovery DSC250 Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) with Refrigerated System Cooling (RSC-90) -90C to 550C


TA Q100 Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) with Refrigerated System Cooling (RSC-40) -40C to 400C, or Liquid Nitrogen Cooling


TA Discovery TGA550 Modulated High Sensitivity Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA)



·         TA Q800 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) with:

o   NPC (Nitrogen Purge Cooling)

o   Compression clamp

o   Submersion compression clamp

o   Dual surface film clamp

o   Single/dual Cantilever Clamp

        TA Discovery HR 20 Advanced Hybrid Rheometer

 TA Ares Advanced Rheometer AR200 with ETC (Environmental Testing Chamber), Tension and Asphalt Geometries





·         Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS with Titrator

o   One angle Backscattering (173)

o   Zeta Potential

o   Titrator


·         Multiangle Dynamic/Static Light Scattering System

o   Crystal Laser CL-2000 Diode Pumped Laser (532nm, 500mW)

o   Melles Griot He-Ne Laser (632.8nm, 15mW)

o   Coherent Innova 90 Ion Laser (488, 514.5, 657 nm, 500mW)

o   Oriel 77341 PMT

o   EMI 9863 PMT

o   Pacific Industries AD-126 Amplifier Discriminator and 126 Lab Photometer

o   ALV Correlator

o   Neslab RTE 111 Circulating Bath


·         Thorn EMI Photon Counting System ( Not in Use)


·         Beckman Coulter LS-200 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer

o   Micro Cell Accessory

o   Dry Powder sampler

o   Standard Flow sampler






·         Olympus BH Polarized Optical Microscope (POM).

o   AmScope MD1900 Digital Camera


·         Olympus BX50 Microscope

o   Mettler FP82 Hot Stage

o   Mettler FP80 Central Processing unit

o   Mettler Photodetector





·         Sartorius A 120 S Analytical Balance (4 decimal)

·         Cahn C-31 Microbalance (6 decimal)



Other Instruments/ Capabilities


·         Barnstead Nanopure Water System

o   With Ultrafilter (0.005µm)


·         Perkin Elmer LS50B Luminescence Spectrometer

o   Temperature Control (VWR 1167 Circulating Bath)


·         Agilent 8453 DAD Spectrophotometer

o   7 Multicell Accessory

o   Temperature Control (VWR 1167 Circulating Bath)


·         Thermo Orion 420 pH Meter


·         Beckman Microfuge E Micro Centrifuge


·         IEC Clinical centrifuge


·         American Scientific BT-23 Thermostated Shaking Bath


·         Fisher Isotemp Oven (up to ~ 200C)


·         National Appliance Company 5831 Vacuum Oven (up to ~ 200C)

o   Welch Duo-Seal Vacuum pump, Trap


·         VWR Vacuum Oven (up to ~ 200C) (Not in Use)


·         Sonic VibraCell VC-750 Sonicator

o   Several Probes

o   Sound Proof Cabinet


·         Branson 2210 Sonicator


·         Solvent Filtering Station

o   1L Organic Flask

o   1L Aqueous Flask

o   GAST Diaphragm Pump


·         Buchi RE-121 Rotovap

o   Buchi B-480 Water Bath

o   Neslab RTE-110 Cooling Circulator


·         NIMA Langmuir Blodgett trough ((Not in use)




Other Instruments (NOT PAL)


·         Bruker EMX 10/2.7 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrometer

o   10” magnet

o   2.7 kV power supply

o   Microwave X band solid state bridge

o   microwave frequency counter

o   ER 4119HS high sensitivity Resonator

o   ER 4105DR double resonator

o   Aquax aqueous solution cell accessory

o   Liquid nitrogen Cryostat (Not in use)


·         OLIS-RSM-1000 RSM Stopped Flow

o   Temperature Control (VWR 1167 Circulating Bath)




MS Word Version of PAL Instrumentation




Last Edited 11/09/2022


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