Louisiana State University  


You have reached Louisiana State University Macro server at The Polymer Analysis Laboratory (PAL).  (Provisional Main Page)

For The Macromolecular Studies Group go to:  http://msg.lsu.edu

Most sites should be bookmarked directly, but here are some of the more popular links:


                                                          Shared Laboratory for Macro- and Bio-macromolecular Research (SLMBR)

                                                            (The Polymer Analysis Laboratory (PAL) is now part of SLMBR)

                                        Macromolecular Studies Group (faculty listings, seminars, history, general info)


                                        Applied Polymer Technology Extension Consortium (APTEC)

                                                Virtual Book, Lab & Integrated Experiences (Hosted by APTEC)


                                        HowTo Guides


                                        PAL Scheduling   (Please Note: New Scheduler as of 09/27/2021)






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